
گل نمک 30 October 2019 108

Golnamak Company is a well known name for all salt consumers in the field of producing various types of industrial salt granulation with the most attention to detail and the highest quality and best packaging. The Golnamak Factory produces a variety of products that are sold both domestically and exported extensively.

Factory area:               More than 7000 square meters

workshop space          More than 3000 square meters

production volume:    More than 300 tons of salt per day

Golnamak Factory is located in Garmsar, Fajr Industrial City. Due to the proximity of the location of all the subsidiaries of Golnamak Factories group including Golnamak Factory to Tehran and the country’s shipping lines, sending products to all parts of the country and Boundary points and transit via land or rail are easily accessible.

Also, the production of various types of salt packing by advanced weighing and packing machines and loading by heavy equipment and machinery is carried out with high precision and in the least time.
