
گل نمک 28 January 2020 150

The products of the Golnamak factories group are all of mineral origin. Salt stones are extracted from the Milad Mine and are either bulked or packaged ready for sale, depending on their gender, size, color, purity and of course, use in the mine or in the factories of the Golnamak factories group.

The products of the Golnamak factories group are generally categorized into the following items:

Industrial-mineral salt

Industrial-mineral salt

Knowing the name of industrial salt does not mean that it comes from a combination of several substances or a chemical reaction; No; it is named industrial salt only for its high use of crushed salt in various industries. All of these named industrial salt: rock salt extracted from mines...

Mineral salt rock

Mineral salt rock

The types of products that can be manufactured in high tonnage and bulk loaded in Milad Mine are classified in this category. It should be noted that the purity of the salt extracted from the Milad mine – the largest salt mine in the Middle East – is about 97...

Refined salt by recrystallization

Refined salt by recrystallization

In Iran, according to existing standards, a sodium chloride salt that its sodium chloride purity is more than 99.2%,  and its other compounds do not exceed a certain amount, will be awarded a license of the production and packaging of edible salt license. Of course, this standard applies only to...

Halite salt

Halite salt

Halite Salt crystals are geometrically regular shapes and are similar to transparent ice blocks and highly susceptible to impact. In addition to its use in food and medicine, this type of salt is widely used as a decorative element. The quality, purity, color and application of different types of salt...

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt, best known for its high volume of this type of salt in the Himalayas, is seen in pink, red, and brown. There are many applications for this type of salt in the food and pharmaceutical industry today. This type of salt occurs in various mines, including the Garmsar...

Persian blue salt

Persian blue salt

As the name implies, its crystals are blue. Every color in the field of color has a code and some color codes have a name that this kind of salt known as the Persian Blue Salt. This kind of salt, is not comparable to other forms of salt rock both...

Decorative Salt Rock

Decorative Salt Rock

Of all kinds of rock salt in any gender, purity, quality, color, origin you can have a decorative element for use in the art of layout, interior decoration, decoration design and in the art of feng shui or even the construction of an salt wall for the salt rooms  and...

Industrial-mineral salt (Sugary salt)

Industrial-mineral salt (Sugary salt)

Knowing the name of industrial salt does not mean that it comes from a combination of several substances or a chemical reaction; No; it is named industrial salt only for its high use of crushed salt in various industries. All of these named industrial salt: rock salt extracted from mines...

Industrial-mineral salt (Shell Salt)

Industrial-mineral salt (Shell Salt)

Knowing the name of industrial salt does not mean that it comes from a combination of several substances or a chemical reaction; No; it is named industrial salt only for its high use of crushed salt in various industries. All of these named industrial salt: rock salt extracted from mines...
