Frequently Asked Questions

گل نمک 23 October 2019 111

From a chemist’s point of view, salt is any acid from which hydrogen is extracted and a metal of similar capacity is added to it. For example, sulfuric acid with the chemical formula H2SO4, which has two hydrogen atoms, it is needed, In this case, the compounds CASO4 or NA2SO4 are obtained, each of which is a salt. One is calcium sulfate and the other is sodium sulfate. In this case, the compounds CASO4 or NA2SO4 are obtained, each of which is a salt. One is calcium sulfate and the other is sodium sulfate. In this case, the compounds CASO4 or NA2SO4 are obtained, each of which is a salt. One is calcium sulfate and the other is sodium sulfate. In this case, the compounds CASO4 or NA2SO4 are obtained, each of which is a salt. One is calcium sulfate and the other is sodium reaction with calcium compounds add a calcium atom (divalent) or with sodium compounds add two sodium atoms (monovalent). In this case, the compounds CASO4 or NA2SO4 are obtained, that each one of these materials is a salt. One is calcium sulfate and the other one is sodium sulfate.

 We need to know what we mean by combining sodium with chlorine, is sodium chloride (NACL), or the same salt. So if you hear about industrial salt, it is likely containing the other compounds except NACL.

But our subject is outside of the chemistry scope. In the salt industry, we call the NACL combination extracted from the mine, industrial salt and if the same salt is refined it is called edible salt. But both industrial salt and edible salt with NACL compounds are considered to be salt.

Many traditional medicine advocates, however, objected to salt purification steps and chemical additives added to the salt to prevent disinfection and prevent clotting (dehumidification) and they believe that the mineral salt may have slightly lower NACL purity than the standard, but it has other useful minerals that are removed from the salt during the refining process and added to the chemicals instead.

Answer to the question: Is the sea salt appropriate? Does the sea salt decrease blood pressure? Should we consume sea salt? And so on, today has become a challenge, of course, the opinions of industries owners and financial intermediaries (dealers) on this issue were not without effect. We strive to provide a succinct explanation, briefly and for information purposes only. Sea salt in our country is generally referred to the salt left from surface water evaporation of lakes such as Hoz Sultan Lake, Qom salt lake and Urmia Lake. This type of salt is packaged and sold without any processing and often at high humidity (however, it may sometimes try to reduce the moisture content of sea salt before it is packaged by heating it, but it will still retain a significant amount of moisture). But whether consuming this salt is harmful or useful requires expert knowledge and response. But what has been provided and achieved by observations and studies of Golnamak factory group shows that sea salt consumption:

A) If it is not refined it is far more likely harmful than the mine salt consumption with high purity. Because salt crystals, crystallized deep within the earth during various geological periods and under the pressure of the earth layers and this crystallization reduces pollutants and increases purity. Mineral salt, meanwhile, has been formed from sea-drying in the old years. But which sea? A sea that was far from today’s environmental pollution and was clear, clean, and rich in minerals and natural materials, since thousands of years ago or the present-day sea with the entry of domestic and industrial wastewater, human and animal waste and atmospheric pollutants which is the result of combustion of fossil fuels, heavy metals and full of hundreds of pathogens and carcinogens.

B) If it is refined, there will not be any difference from refined mineral salt except that its purity will be much lower. And it will never be recrystallized.

It should be noted that the purity of salt rock extracted from Garmsar Milad mine, which is the largest Garmsar and the Middle East rock mine, is so high that most foreign customers such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Iraq, Bulgaria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, etc. are more likely to consume this salt than refined salts as edible salt. It is one of the applications of high purity mineral salt in the sectors related to the food industry. In addition, in a large part of the food industry, the industrial-mineral salt is used in food pre-production, indirectly.
For example, in the salty and pickle industries, dairy products, snacks, nuts, seeds and types of nuts as well as olives (bitterness and breeding) and ice-making factories and many other food industries use mineral salt as the raw material in factories, this sometimes not only reduces costs and increases productivity, but also there is no other choice. For example, in nuts part, the so-called dehydration and flavoring some of the seeds, special salt-graining is required that the refined available salts preclude the owners of the mentioned industries because of their specific particle sizes.

The same way that unrefined mineral salt may be used in the food industry, it is also possible to use refined salt in other industries except food industry. The question is, what industries? The answer is clear; Industries whose sensitivity to their equipment and apparatus requires a higher standard of purity than mineral salt. Like some textiles.
As you know, the extensive applications of mineral salt in various industries (more than 150 industries) have applied the term industrial salt to the salt derived from crushed mineral rock salt.

That is, mineral salt or the same not refined edible salt extracted from salt rock mine has a high purity, Aside from using in edible sector, surprisingly, increases the efficiency of many salt-dependent industries. Just to name a few of the industries where salt, as a basic material, plays an essential role in the processing of products without a substitute;

Chemical industry: paint, glue and resin, acidification

Clothing industry: tanning and leather making, spinning, dyeing, textile

Agricultural & Livestock Industry: Training Livestock & Poultry (Livestock & Poultry), Animal & Poultry Feed Production, Veterinary

Fisheries Industry: Cultivation of Cold and Hot Fish, Fisheries

Water purification industry: filtration and disinfection, hardening

Health & Beauty: Detergents, especially powders, soaps, pharmaceuticals

Roads and Municipalities: Preparation of a mixture of sand and salt.
